State Archives of Belgium

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Access modalities for the archives of the former military courts

Texte petit  Texte normal  Texte grand

Judicial records can be consulted under specific circumstances. As for the archives of the former military courts for the repression of collaboration, to consult some of these files for whatever reason, one has to send in advance a written and well-founded demand to the College of Prosecutors general, in which are also mentioned the given and last names of the person(s) involved in the case that is being researched (and possibly also their place and date of birth, the place of residence, the date of the judgment, etc.).

  • Collège des procureurs généraux
    Service d’appui du ministère public  
    Avenue de la Toison d’or 87, boite 4 (9e étage)
    1060 Bruxelles 

Staff members of the College will then be examining the request and they generally reply within fair periods. In case of a positive response, the files can be consulted in the reading room of the Archives générales du Royaume 2 – dépôt J. Cuvelier (AGR 2, rue du Houblon 26-28 , 1000 Bruxelles). The reading room is open from Tuesday till Friday (9 a.m. till 4.30 p.m.).

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